Summer Charity League - 2023

Finals Night

Charity Winners - Tally Ho A

The charity selected by our hosts, the Tally Ho, was St Peter & St James Hospice, a lifeline for the local community.
The Tally Ho A raised the most money for charity, when combined with the funds from the other teams, on the night entry fees,
raffle money and donations the grand total for the season was a staggering: £1,322.04.

Pictured below, Michael Sains picking up the Cup and the resplendent Tally Ho A team - well done to all concerned and thanks to all who contributed!
Charity Winners
Charity Winners

League Winners - Mary's Saints

With the last darts of the Summer League thrown, it literally went down to result of the the final gallon/gallop/stampede to settle the league Winners from the Runners-Up.
This was as close as it could possibly get without taking in to account the head-to-head results..!

Pictured below, an effervescent Alfie Whiting with the League Cup
League Winners

On the Night Festivities

The Blind Pairs competition on the night was won by Micky and Liam, a classic combination of old age and youthful experience!
Apologies for the picture quality, I think the lens was trying it's hardest not to shatter... Charity Winners

That's it for this year, next up the 2023/24 Winter League...

League Table

League Table

Weekly Fixtures & Results

Weekly Results